What to expect before, during and after a lung cancer operation?

The specific details of your surgery will depend on various factors, including your cancer stage and overall health. It’s important to consult with a medical professional for personalised advice. However, here are some aspects that are often involved in lung cancer surgery: 1. Pre-operative preparations: You may need to undergo tests and assessments before the […]

Post-Lung Cancer Surgery Lifestyle Changes in the UK

What is the impact of lung cancer surgery? Lung cancer surgery can significantly impact a person’s health and overall well-being. Here are some common effects and benefits of lung cancer surgery: It’s important to note that the impact of lung cancer surgery may vary for each individual, and the recovery process can take time. Rehabilitation […]

Can I afford private thoracic surgery? All your questions answered.

Is thoracic surgery expensive in the UK? Thoracic surgery, like any medical procedure, can vary in cost based on several factors, such as the complexity of the surgery, the specific hospital or clinic, the surgeon’s fees, and other related expenses. Mr Scarci operates at different hospitals to allow as many patients as possible to benefit from […]

What will happen immediately after my key-hole lung operation?

You might have heard a lot about key-hole surgery, but what does that mean exactly in chest surgery? The technical term that you might have spotted on a letter from your doctor or heard during a consultation is VATS, that stands for video-assisted thoracic surgery. In simple terms surgeons perform small cuts in the chest […]