How Lifestyle choices impact Lungs Health

Lifestyle choices can have a significant impact on lung health. Here are some ways various choices can affect the lungs: 1. Smoking: Smoking is one of the biggest contributors to lung-related health problems. It damages the airways and structures of the lungs, leading to chronic conditions like chronic bronchitis and emphysema, as well as various […]

What can be mistaken for thoracic outlet syndrome?

Due to overlapping symptoms, several conditions can be mistaken for thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS). Some conditions that can present similar symptoms to TOS include: 1. Cervical radiculopathy: This condition occurs due to compression or irritation of the nerves in the neck, leading to pain, numbness, and weakness in the shoulder, arm, or hand. The symptoms […]

Severe chest infection or chest empyema

What is chest empyema? A chest empyema is a medical condition in which pus or infected fluid accumulates in the space between the lung and the chest wall, known as the pleural space. This often results from a bacterial infection, such as pneumonia, or a lung injury, such as a ruptured abscess. Chest empyema can […]

What is a Thymoma?

A thymoma is a rare tumour that develops in the thymus gland, which is located in the chest behind the breastbone. The thymus gland is an important part of the immune system and is responsible for producing T-cells, which help to fight infection and disease. Thymomas typically grow slowly and are often asymptomatic, meaning they […]

Pneumothorax: causes, complications and management

What is the main cause of pneumothorax? Pneumothorax is commonly caused by a puncture or tear in the lung tissue, usually due to chest trauma. Other causes might include medical procedures, such as thoracentesis (removal of excess fluid from the pleural cavity) or mechanical ventilation. Some underlying medical conditions, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease […]

When do you see a cardiothoracic surgeon?

This is one of the most common questions that patients ask their GPs or physicians. The concept of cardiothoracic surgery is, sometime, difficult to understand as we are a small surgical specialtyt that deals with a limited range of issues and we are something a bit mysterious for many patients. Sometime even individuals that works […]

What you always wanted to ask about keyhole lung cancer surgery

Recovering from cancer surgeries brings peculiar challenges that patients have to face. Surgical approaches for cancer require close monitoring of several factors. Collectively, these factors determine the overall health outcome for the patients. Keyhole lung cancer is performed routinely by Mr Scarci with just one single cut of 3cm. Such approach determines a faster recovery, reduced hospitalization […]